183 Brisbane Street Dubbo NSW
PH: (02) 6815 9900 E: respiratory@dmahg.com.au
Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 12.30pm - 5.00pm
WHEN TO CALL Triple Zero (000)
If the person needing an appointment has any of these
If the person needing an appointment has any of these symptoms:
significantly faster and difficulty breathing
pain on breathing
central or crushing chest pain
unconsciousness or suffering a seizure (fit)
difficulty breathing or turning blue
badly bleeding
victim of a severe accident
skin feels unusually cold and sweaty, patchy discoloration or excessively pale skin
What is the Respiratory Clinic?
The COVID-19 Respiratory Clinic is to assess people with mild-moderate respiratory symptoms. The Federal Government have opened this clinic under the operation of Dubbo Medical and Allied Health Group for patients experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose and other respiratory symptoms to test and treat COVID-19, influenza, pneumonia and other respiratory illness. The clinic is open to assess and test patients with these symptoms but is not a follow up service. Once a patient has been cleared from having COVID-19 they are able to make arrangements with their normal GP practice to follow up care.
Who is the clinic for?
This clinic is open to all patients with and without a Medicare card.
How much does it cost to go to the Respiratory Clinic?
The clinic is FREE as it is a partnership with the Federal Government and Aspen Medical.
Who is running the Respiratory Clinic?
The clinic is run by a team of General Practitioners, Nurses and Admin from Dubbo Medical and Allied Health Group
Why not visit my usual GP
The clinic aims to take pressure off the hospital emergency departments and keep general practice a safe environment for patients and health professionals.
Where is the clinic, how do I enter?
The Respiratory Clinic is located at 183 Brisbane Street Dubbo NSW 2830, parking is available in front of the building. The clinic is Appointment based only. Currently walk-ins are not accepted.
How do I book an appointment?
Please call reception on 02 6815 9900 option 1 or book online via
When booking online you will need to fill out the registration form on the completion of the booking.
For step by step instructions on how to book online click here